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Your BODYWORX Sports Osteopathy

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Call or SMS: 0401 583 077

Your consultation with Dr Rod Williams may consist of the following:




  • Case history

  • Postural assessment (static and dynamic)

  • Orthopaedic and manual muscle testing

  • Deep postural system assessment

Prescribing a unique system of highly effective exercises, individually tailored to strengthen each patient’s weakest areas – this fast tracks healing and helps the applied therapeutic corrections to hold; it often results in less need for intense treatment scheduling and faster recovery


  • Manual therapy - techniques include manipulation / adjustments, mobilisation, muscle energy technique, and other effective gentle techniques to correct vertebral, pelvic, rib asymmetries and restrictions

  • Needling - we use 3 techniques: Advanced neurological acupuncture, Western medical acupuncture, Chinese medical acupuncture (for explanation of each, see below)

  • Soft tissue techniques - myofascial release and other methods

  • Chinese medicine - including Chinese herbal prescriptions, liniments, electro stimulation, gua sha, etc

We clearly explain to our patients what we identify as the main issues of dysfunction, educate them on how we address these issues and then provide our patients with tools that optimise body functioning to rapidly improve their conditions.


Needling Techniques (often combined for maximum effect):

1. Advanced neurological acupuncture - a highly effective distal technique which often produces significant immediate reduction in pain;

2. Western medical acupuncture - includes dry needling, triggerpoint needling, etc, approaching needling from an anatomical perspective;

3. Chinese medical acupuncture - utilising the strength of this ancient medicine to address the overall health of the body, particularly to reduce stress, improve sleep, anxiety , digestion, etc.




1. Is dry needling acupuncture? No. Dry needling is one of many acupuncture techniques. Acupuncture requires a 4 year degree, government registration, and over 100hrs of clinical supervision to be licensed to practise, whereas dry needling is often taught in a 2 day seminar (4 days to be an advanced dry needler!). We pride ourselves on being specialists in applying a number of needling techniques to effect maximum clinical efficacy, patient comfort and safety.


2. Does needling hurt? For the most part, no. We use a number of different techniques, needle gauges, and over 10yrs of experience to draw upon, to accomodate. Most of our patients would describe their treatment experience in our clinic as comfortable, effective and extremely relaxing (its not uncommon to hear patients snoring when needles are in)! We use high quality, single-use, disposable needles to improve patient comfort. By utilising a number of needling techniques, we can improve patient comfort, without the need for a painful experience.


*It is important to note that we believe that needling is only one of the tools necessary for effective treatment. A thorough assessment must be made to understand where to needle to optimise clinical outcomes. Needling can be very effective at releasing a tight muscle, improving range of movement of a joint, etc. However, it is only one of the tools required, as some dysfunction will respond better to manual therapy, joint mobilisation, etc. Understanding when and where to apply it and integrate it into the treatment is the key to success.

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